
E Ink Kaleido 3 vs Kaleido 1: A Comparative Analysis

Author: Nicolas -

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E Ink has been at the forefront of e-ink technology for years, and their Kaleido color displays have been a popular choice for e-readers. However, with the recent release of the Kaleido 3, it's time to take a look at how these two generations of displays compare.

Real-World Comparison

To get a better sense of the differences between Kaleido 1 and Kaleido 3 displays, I compared two e-readers: the Vivlio Color (which uses a Kaleido 1 display) and the Bigme S6 Color+ (which uses a Kaleido 3 display).

Note: the Vivlio Color is a Pocketbook Color with a Kaleido 1 screen rebranded for the french market. It is technically the same as a Pocketbook Color.

kaleido 3 vs kaleido 1 e ink screen comparison

kaleido 3 vs kaleido 1 e ink screen comparison

Picture: Kaleido 3 (left) and Kaleido 1 (right)

As you can see, the Kaleido 3 display on the Bigme S6 Color+ produces colors that are significantly deeper and more varied than the colors on the Vivlio Color's Kaleido 1 display.

The text on the Kaleido 3 display is also sharper and easier to read.

Comparison with Tablets

While tablet displays offer even more vibrant colors, it's important to remember that e-ink displays are designed to mimic the look of paper.

LED vs kaleido 3 vs kaleido 1 screen comparison

As a result, the colors on e-ink displays are less harsh and more eye-friendly for long reading sessions.

As you can see in the image above, the tablet's LED display produces a much higher contrast than the e-ink displays. However, the colors on the tablet are also oversaturated and "bleed" together, making the image look less natural.

Comparison with Printed Paper

printed book vs kaleido 3 e ink screen comparison

When compared to printed paper, the Kaleido 3 display on the Bigme S6 Color+ comes surprisingly close.

The colors are not quite as rich as the printed paper, but the overall reading experience is very similar.


The Kaleido 3 display is a significant improvement over the Kaleido 1 display. The colors are richer, the text is sharper, and the refresh rate is faster.

If you're looking for the best possible e-ink reading experience, then a Kaleido 3 display is the way to go.

While the Kaleido 3 technology is mature, there is still room for improvement. I would like to see even richer colors, a higher resolution, and an even faster refresh rate in future generations of e-ink displays.

Overall, I am very impressed with the Kaleido 3 display. It is a major step forward for e-ink technology and I believe that it will continue to improve in the years to come.

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e-reader expert nicolas lorenzon

Seeing the demand for trustworthy e-reader information, Nicolas started, where he is the main writer. His articles cover many topics, like e-reader reviews, comparisons of different devices, tips for improving reading experiences, and thoughts on the future of digital reading.