Kobo has just launched the pre-market certification of a new e-reader. Available information indicates that it will probably be a new Kobo Sage, probably called Kobo Sage 2E.
A few months ago, Kobo launched FCC certification for a new Kobo Libra 2 (read here).
This time, information available from the FCC indicates that a second Kobo e-reader will be released by Kobo in the coming months. The serial number is NOIKBN365, which is very close to the NOIKBN360 serial number associated with the Kobo Sage.
All the indications are that this is a new high-end e-reader that will probably be called Kobo Sage 2E, in line with the names given to the brand's most recent models: Kobo Clara 2E and Kobo Elipsa 2E.
Available documents do not allow us to know the exact specifications of this e-reader, but we do have these elements:
- Wifi,
- Bluetooth 5.1
- Adobe DRM compatibility
The current model of the Kobo Sage was released in 2021, so it's time for Kobo to offer an update for this e-reader.
One of the Kobo Sage's major shortcomings is its battery, which offers modest autonomy compared with the competition. We can therefore assume that Kobo will use a higher-capacity battery for its new model.
The presence of a Bluetooth connection also validates audiobook compatibility. So you'll be able to listen to your Kobo audiobooks on this new model.
You can also bet that Kobo will continue to manufacture its e-readers with partially recycled plastics. They communicate a lot on this point and aim to make reading more ecological.
Finally, in terms of the e-ink screen used, I think that Kobo will continue to use the latest generation of black and white screens, and we can assume that it will be Carta HD technology, either with the Carta 1200 reference, or with the more recent Carta 1300 technology.
It would be wise to offer this new Kobo Sage with a Carta 1300 screen, which promises improved contrast (deeper blacks) and faster refresh rates.
This would make it possible to stand out from the competition by offering a more technically accomplished e-reader.
Expect a release in the coming months, probably in the first half of 2024 with, why not, availability in early summer.
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