
Why we can’t read full books anymore (hint: blame it on your phone!)

Author: Nicolas -

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Okay, let's be real for a sec. In a world buzzing with notifications and endless entertainment, it's easy to get distracted. But have you noticed that it feels like people are reading less than ever before?

Well, it's not just a feeling. A recent study dropped a bombshell: a whopping 54% of American adults might be reading at or below a sixth-grade level.

That's definitely something to think about. This drop in reading ability seems to be connected to changes in our schools and the way technology and social media have crept into our daily lives.

(This article is inspired by this great video from Cole Hastings)

A Little History Lesson on How We Learned to Read

So, how did we even get here? Well, way back when, before the 70s, most schools taught reading using "phonics."

You know, sounding out words, matching sounds to letters - the whole shebang. It gave us a solid foundation for understanding what we were reading. But then things changed, and schools started using something called the "whole language approach".

The idea was that reading should feel natural and fun, and that we'd pick it up just by being around books. Sounds nice, right? But unfortunately, it didn't exactly pan out. Kids started struggling with reading comprehension and fluency, and reading abilities across the board started heading south.

Turns out, that old-school phonics stuff actually works! Studies have shown that teaching kids to sound out words helps them read better overall.

Mississippi even went back to phonics in 2013, and guess what? Their reading scores jumped! Go figure.

How Changes in School Policies Messed Things Up

It wasn't just teaching methods that changed things, either. Remember "No Child Left Behind"?

That law made schools test kids every year, which was supposed to make them more accountable. At first, things seemed to improve, but once "Every Student Succeeds Act" came along and eased up on the pressure, test scores kind of dipped again.

It seems like schools were so busy prepping kids for standardized tests that they forgot to make reading fun or interesting.

And that's a problem! Kids started reading shorter snippets instead of diving into whole books, which hurt their ability to think critically and made them less excited about reading anything longer than a tweet.

Check this out: back in 1984, about 35% of 13-year-olds said they read for fun. Now? It's down to just 14%! Crazy, right?

The Tech Monster in the Room

We can't talk about this without talking about our phones.

I mean, let's be honest, how many times a day do you get sucked into a TikTok vortex or scroll through Twitter ( now) or Youtube for way longer than you planned?

It's hard to resist! For a lot of kids, checking social media is way more appealing than cracking open a book.

Plus, all that online noise makes it harder to focus and tell what's real from what's fake.

It's like our brains are getting trained to skim headlines instead of digging into real information.

Why Low Reading Levels Are a Big Deal

Okay, so maybe people aren't reading "War and Peace" anymore. So what, right? Well, actually, low reading skills can cause some serious problems.

Studies show that people who struggle with reading are more likely to be unemployed, have health problems, and even end up in poverty.

It's a cycle that's tough to break. On the flip side, boosting reading skills could give our economy a shot in the arm and improve everyone's well-being.

Being able to understand and think critically about what we read is super important in today's world. It helps us make good decisions and be informed citizens.

When people can't read well, it hurts not just them, but our whole community.

So, What Can We Do About It?

Alright, enough doom and gloom. What can we do to turn things around? First off, we need to rethink how we teach reading in schools.

Let's bring back the stuff that works, like phonics, and make sure teachers have the tools they need to do their jobs well. We also need to get kids reading longer stuff, not just snippets, and cut down on distractions in the classroom.

Another big issue is that a lot of teachers are feeling burned out and leaving the profession. We need to fix that by making teaching a more sustainable job. When teachers are happy, they're more engaged and present for their students.

Finally, let's make reading fun again! Encourage kids to put down their phones and pick up a book.

Start with stuff they enjoy, even if it's not super "serious," and gradually work up to more challenging material. The goal is to make reading a habit and something to look forward to.

The Bottom Line

So, yeah, America's reading rates are a little scary right now. But it's not too late to change things.

By improving how we teach reading, reducing distractions, and making reading a priority, we can help turn the tide.

It's time to get excited about books again and help future generations develop a lifelong love of reading. Let's work together to make literacy a top priority - one awesome book at a time!

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e-reader expert nicolas lorenzon

Seeing the demand for trustworthy e-reader information, Nicolas started, where he is the main writer. His articles cover many topics, like e-reader reviews, comparisons of different devices, tips for improving reading experiences, and thoughts on the future of digital reading.